Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Rest My Case

Unsubstantiated Rumors

When some Hatemongering Wingnut includes you on an email trail that espouses an ideology which is, at best, ludicrous, please do a little research before perpetuating it. There have been numerous horse-hockey messages flying around lately, denouncing President Obama and his foreign policy and they all smell of Right Wing Republican scare tactics. This Party's modus operandi seems to have shifted of late. They've become a group "for whom politics has ceased to be about principles and is now all about smearing opponents with false accusations about their nationalities and their patriotism.", to quote Alex Singleton of the London Daily Telegraph.
What I'm suggesting is that, before you forward that kind of nonsense to everyone in your address book, please make an attempt to verify the information. Quite often it has no basis in the truth. When you present such drivel to others as "Fact", it only serves to make you appear to be a mindless moron who has no sense of reality.