Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Rest My Case

Unsubstantiated Rumors

When some Hatemongering Wingnut includes you on an email trail that espouses an ideology which is, at best, ludicrous, please do a little research before perpetuating it. There have been numerous horse-hockey messages flying around lately, denouncing President Obama and his foreign policy and they all smell of Right Wing Republican scare tactics. This Party's modus operandi seems to have shifted of late. They've become a group "for whom politics has ceased to be about principles and is now all about smearing opponents with false accusations about their nationalities and their patriotism.", to quote Alex Singleton of the London Daily Telegraph.
What I'm suggesting is that, before you forward that kind of nonsense to everyone in your address book, please make an attempt to verify the information. Quite often it has no basis in the truth. When you present such drivel to others as "Fact", it only serves to make you appear to be a mindless moron who has no sense of reality.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hey, Goobers - get a load of this...

The most important thing for us to do is to improve our diplomatic standing on a global level. It has been 'Murika's heavy-handed, imperialist way of "spreading Deemocracy" that has caused the Muslim world to hate us so. Obama is a REAL diplomat, and for that, he is taking a ton of heat from the Goobers, yet reverence and respect toward others is exactly what we need to correct our world profile. He deserves another term based simply on his poise and grace on the world stage.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can You Imagine...

It's frightening to think that the sheep in the GOP think that this ignorant, smarmy pinhead who doesn't even know basic geography could be capable of running this country! The last smarmy pinhead they elected (TWICE, as you may recall) sucked us into the position in the worldview where we now find ourselves! It is taking a polished diplomat to bring some credibility back to our reputation on the global stage. While he is attempting to do that, and at the same time working toward providing healthcare for all Americans, these same people are sniping and carping about his so-called "wimpiness" in world matters. Well Folks, I gotta tell you - PEACEFUL DIALOG is the only way to open up the hearts of others. THAT is what will return this country to its reputation as a TRUE World Power and a beacon for peace! If we are unable to take care of our citizens here at home, how can we even be thought of as a compassionate entity to others? Imagine how your life might be without all of the rhetoric...

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Surroundings

Simply put, I'm glad to be working where I am now. After one of the most oppressive years in recent memory, my environment is matching my inner feelings. I'm tempted to contact Human Resources to lodge a complaint about my former boss (he deserves it) but I probably won't, since his own karma will eventually come back to bite him in the ASS!!! If not that, then his piss-poor people skills will push someone else to blow the whistle on him.
Just glad it's now over for me so I can move ahead!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear Friends...

When two dear friends have a tangle with each other, it can be quite unnerving for them and for uninvolved observers. I rarely, if ever interfere in the affairs of others. These things need to work themselves out (or not, depending on the situation). But that's not to say that I won't express an oninion or two on the matter...

Pickle and Bacon - you are both extremely strong-willed individuals. Neither one is afraid to say what you think or feel. I'd like to believe that those are among the qualities that brought you two together in the first place. There are times when we all say things that we regret. I understand that it's one thing to forgive and another to forget...and in fact, forgetting may not be possible. But it isn't really neccessary - forgiving another for things that were said or done is all we need to do. Accepting one another, warts and all, is what true friendship is about.

Disagreements happen all the time, but good relationships CAN endure. I'd like to think that yours WILL.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No Way Out...

How many of us are aware of the effects of karma? Yeah, I know that word usually conjures negative thoughts; "Man, karma's a bitch, ain't it?" While that sentiment is all too true, there are other positive aspects to it as well. The truly good and selfless acts that we perform on a daily basis are rewarded by the universe, just as surely as the heartless actions of evil that we witness are punished through karmic retribution. Even if we don't see it immediately, good attracts good and evil attracts evil. The key to seeing the truth of this concept in action is patience. The way to win over your enemies is to simply outlive them. They will eventually have to pay the piper. Remember, "Time wounds all Heels"!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sad Days...

Losing Howard Zinn and J.D. Salinger in the same week. Sadness great, yet not unbearable, their loss to the literary world cannot be minimized. Zinn for bringing us a more accurate accounting of this country's past, present and future (A Peoples History of the United States) and Salinger for writing the most censored and second-most taught book in American High Schools (Catcher in the Rye).
Rest in Peace, Gentlemen.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Morning!

Wakey, wakey...and I'm referring to your brain. Have you ever considered the damage caused by overindulging in certain chemical compounds? Not just those that you buy from friends, coworkers or bartenders, but the meds that Dr. Feelgood prescribes...if you find that you are incapable of performing simple motor tasks, you are likely overmedicated. Add to that list the inability to form complex sentences or process linear thoughts through to a logical conclusion, and you may be in trouble. If you are driving, working (I'm being generous here, Folks), or simply interacting with others while under the influence, you're not doing anyone any good! Wake the hell up or get the EFF out!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Attention All Bloggers:
Kindly refrain from utilizing poor grammar, punctuation and spelling. It causes undue stress to those of us with above average intelligence. Furthermore, please educate yourselves in proper word usage - you're vs your - too / to / two - I think you can see where I'm leading. And, if all else fails, do not blog while under the influence.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blog, blog, blog!

Got something to say? I don' least at the moment.
Stay tuned...